A Little Bit Of History

A Little Bit Of History Running Pops, a game developed and designed by Game Hype, was launched on iOS and Android in November 2022, garnering an impressive 300k overall downloads. Now, with the transition to Web3, users will have the exciting opportunity to play with their NFTs directly within the game. Through a transformative process, the 2D NFTs will be brought to life in a 3D format, enabling players to fully immerse themselves in the gameplay experience. Get ready to take your NFTs for a run in the world of
Running Pops!


November 2022 - Jan 2023

The World Cup

February 2023 - May 2023

The Runaway 2.0

June 2023

The Runaway 3.0

The 2022 World Cup tournament drew 90k players, each representing their favorite teams. A total of $15k in prizes was distributed to the winners, amplifying the excitement of the event.

By integrating NFTs and crypto prizes, our game, We achieved tremendous success with 100k new players. The average conversion rate of players to buyers reached 8%, intensifying the competition. Additionally, our webinars introduced the community to Web3 technology, further enhancing their engagement.

Runaway 3.0 is a Web3 tournament where NFT communities compete for big Matic prizes. Top 5 players win Matic rewards, with exciting updates and new features on the way. Get ready for an epic gaming experience!